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Forum guidelines 

Before joining our community, Chronic Connect members must constitute the following chat forum guidelines, which apply to posts, threads, profile information and chats. Breaking these rules will result in removal of the post/comment or suspension of the account.


Remain respectful to other users at all times. Discriminatory or hateful comments and posts will be deleted.

Self advertisement is not permitted - no personal promotion of products and services, no posting URL links to personal websites 


Members must only post links to other websites that are safe and appropriate for other viewers to use. Links leading to cash promotions, advertisements and credits will not be removed.


Protect your privacy - do not post personal information including address, phone number and other contact information, as Chronic Connect will not be responsible for disclosure/leakage of private information. 



Comments and posts including illegal activities or transactions will be deleted.


Do not post copyrighted information without consent and permission to distribute the material. Links and quotes are allowed but the source must be credited.

  • How can I post an article?
    Want to become a writer? Submit your articles to us at our contact page.
  • How can I privately chat with others?
    To start a private chat with another member of the TPC community: 1. Click on their username 2. Click message To find another member from the TPC community: 1. Click on the "members" page 2. Search for their username or scroll down until you find them 3. Click message
  • How can I report inappropriate content?
    If you come across an inappropriate message or post, do not hesitate to contact us through the private chat function with the admin.
  • How do I open the chat function?
    The private chat function can be accessed by clicking on the chat icon on the bottom right hand corner of the page.
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        DISCLAIMER: Our site is not run by medical professionals. All content, including but not limited to pictures, writing and graphics, found in discussion forums, articles and private chats are meant for peer to peer patient support and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Always seek guidance from a healthcare provider before choosing to follow advice from this site, and never disregard professional medical advice because of information written/displayed on this site. 

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