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Teen Pain Connect.

The first ever online community connecting young adults and teens with chronic pain. Share your story with the community.


Teen Pain Connect is a safe space for youth suffering from chronic pain to share their stories and provide mental and emotional support for one another. We aim to help overcome the stigma surrounding chronic pain at a young age and provide support for those battling in isolation. 


Our features






Our private chat function allows members to chat and connect safely with each other. Read our Site Rules before using this function.

Read one of our multiple articles written by Teen Pain Connect members for the latest updates, tips, and advice on chronic pain management.

Browse our resources page for the latest information and updates on pain education and awareness, from trusted sources from all over the internet. 

Need to release stress? Share your story with others suffering from similar pains, or click to read other's stories in the community forum page


Educating younger audiences on chronic pain while spreading happiness to chronic pain patients


Our latest articles: 


What type of Insomniac are you?

Read our article to learn more about your specific type of insomnia and learn about ways you can improve this condition.


How exercise helps relieve chronic pain: Katie's Story

"Diseases are here to give us constant worry and pain, but what if we don’t let it? That is my goal for coaching others."


Jasmîne: Adapting To Changes

Jasmîne's returns with a second article about the new changes that have occurred in her life since her last article including her unfortunate new diagnosis...

High Fives

join our online forums

Share your pain - related thoughts and questions on our online forum, and receive advice and support from our online community.

ready to become part of our community? 

The process is easy and completely free of charge! Members receive the latest updates and news from our site. Members can also contact us to write articles and chat privately with other members.  

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        DISCLAIMER: Our site is not run by medical professionals. All content, including but not limited to pictures, writing and graphics, found in discussion forums, articles and private chats are meant for peer to peer patient support and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Always seek guidance from a healthcare provider before choosing to follow advice from this site, and never disregard professional medical advice because of information written/displayed on this site. 

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